Barcelona. Stefan Rohner,
Отзывов: 14. Напишите свой отзыв 
Stefan Rohner   |   6.12.2006, 14:14   |   Портрет   |  Все фотографии автора
миша масленников  ( # )
С оттяжкой карточка.
всё  ( # )
it seems like there were no spectators and he plays a sad theatre for himself..
сЕлена  ( # )
Blue blue blue canary - pic, pic, pic - si perde l'eco
sir  ( #   )
imbercia! )
сЕлена  ( #   )
с музыкой:
with music:
Stefan Rohner  ( # )
Ruslan, it is very disapointing that you find the time to write me here, at the same time you dont find the time to visit our common project. best Stefan
всё  ( #   )
Stefan, i receive notification on your photos by e-mail... I don't look through the whole gallery. And I visit ball-saal, often. May be i do not write often - it takes time which i lack of..
Миша Леонов  ( # )
...но не Rambla. Bravo!
Natasha Goldberg  ( # )
in the mood for sadness, minory picture
Vadik  ( # )
Сюзанна Дарни  ( # )
Natasha Zborovskaya-Sigawi  ( # )
happy new year!
Mikhail Steinberg  ( #   )
Yes, here here :-)
Максим Грибков  ( #   )
+1 :)
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